Wednesday, August 14, 2013

In the garden: August 9 & 15

Phew! it's been a busy couple of weeks- full of visiting, and kiln firing, and more visiting, and Tomato sandwiches- yum. The black Krim and our saved seeds are the only ones ripening yet- but the arbuznyi,  marizol gold, costoluto genovese, and pirkstine orange are close behind, the Jaune Flamee, and Ivory Pear are still only just flowering, with a few small fruits starting, I hope the weather keeps going into the fall to get these guys big enough to eat.

The melons, and pumpkins and acorn squash are likewise a bit behind, but hopefully we'll get some bigger ones, I think once those guys get growing they grow fast, so fingers crossed. The weather here has been very fall like, 15 degrees in the mornings, a bit rainy, but this week it's supposed to return to normal summer temps, so maybe we'll get a few more weeks of heat. We picked a last little pick of peas, which were delicious, and everyone we know is enjoying the Dragon Tongue beans, they are so yummy, and colourful, we've been eating them raw.

The other thing that's been exciting is the spinach seed! we've got lots forming, so that means we'll have our own carrot and beet and spinach seed to use next year, plus lots of flower seeds too, I'm going to try saving zinnia seeds again, the last time they didn't germinate- I think they didn't get enough time on the plant. How is your garden growing?

1 comment:

  1. My tomatoes are late too. I planted Anna Russians and black carbons because they were supposed to be early but I'm just eating them now. Still lots of beans, harvesting every few days. Melons are the size of golf balls. Hurry up already. I've only saved tomato seeds but I'd like to do more too.
